Saturday, March 27, 2010

Icecrown Citadel 5-man Attunement Quest Line Walkthrough

Do you need to the basics on how to down the bosses in the new 5-man instances that came with patch 3.3 in World of Warcraft? Want to know where Jaina or Sylvanas is? Our latest walkthrough takes you through the entire attunement quest line that nets you a nice sum of Emblems of Frost, a hefty pocket full of gold, and access to all three new instances. Don't struggle begging general for what to do. Let Ten Ton Hammer take you to the next level with our latest walkthrough!

Krick and Ick are weird, to say the least. Clear the area around Krick and Ick very well because adds will wander into the boss area frequently if you don’t. When you aggro him the fight will become a tank and spank with a little bit of a dance. He’ll throw poison on the ground which you’ll need to move away from and he’ll throw bombs on the ground (magic bombs) that will get bigger and bigger before they explode. They’ll follow your feet.

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